We had one whole season of ads about "Mitch"...he came to town like so many....a couple dollars and big ideas. He even had a MANHUNT account!
This was one of the last of "Jeffrey " series. Richard lived upstairs and volunteered to be in our first ad. It was supposed to be an elegant series, but quickly deteriorated into debauchery...while well dressed of course!...we were so hungover when we did this one ...we came up with the idea the last minute before it was due at Provincetown Magazine... we all needed a rest after that summer!
WESTERN was the theme for CARNIVAL that year!
a mystery storyline that summer...
We were all too tired to go downstairs and shoot an ad in the middle of the carnival that year.... so we improvised on the balcony...and it ended up being one of my favorites "Jeffrey wondered why there couldn't be a parade every day".
Back at the old shop...on Café Heaven's loading dock...Patrick D.
Dragged our friend Timmy into this one...